Rechtskundige significa, proefschrift

Rechtskundige significa, proefschrift





thing as the Sense of a word, but only the sense in which it is used, the circumstances, state of mind, reference, universe of discourse, belonging to it. The Meaning of a word is the intent which it is desired to convey, the intention of the user. The Significance is always manifold, and intensifies its sense as well as its meaning, bij expressing its importance, its appeal to us, its moment for us, its emotional force, its ideal value, its moral aspect, its universal or at least social range.” En elders : ״The one crucial question in all Expression, whether by action or sound, symbol or picture, is its special property, first of Sense, that in which it is used, then of Meaning as the intention of the user, and most far־reaching and momentous of all, of implication, of ultimate Significance.” τ) Een van de bekwaamste medewerkers van Lady Welby, Prof.

T. Clifford Allbutt, schrijft: ״Sense is the direct intention of the very words themselves.” ״Meaning is that which the author wished to convey, a burden unfortunately too often different from the sense.” ״By Significance we mean something more different and impalpable than either sense or meaning.” 2) Men raad-plege voorts eene bijdrage ״Signifies” van Lady Welby in de Encyclopaedia Britannica vanaf de elfde uitgave.

Prof. Clifford Allbutt is een bekwaam schrijver.

Nochtans zijn de drie bovenstaande begripsomschrijvin-gen alleen van waarde voor hem, die de begrippen reeds kende. Zóó weinig is het uitdrukkingsvermogen van de Taal voldoende.

Voor de Engelsche woorden Sense, Meaning en Zm> Bedoe־

______ ö    &    ling,    Waarde.

1) ״Signifies and Language” bldz. 9.

2) ״Words and Things” in ״the Lancet” van 1906 Deel II bldz. 1120.

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