Rechtskundige significa, proefschrift

Rechtskundige significa, proefschrift





answerable”. We are directly answerable as we are competent to receive the answer to a question. The populär use is here, as in so many cases, a virtual blunder. A man is notable, irritable, loväble, manage-able. i. e. ·he is noted, irritated, loved, managed. It is not a question of his noting, irritating, loving, ma-naging. ף

It is certainly a curious instance of unrecognised confusion that in the Oxford Dictionary we find the main, sense ״able to be answered” marked ״rare” while in all other similar cases it is Universal. 1) In the negative form ״unanswerable” strangely enough, we revert to the right use. There is of course a se-condary, a forensio sense of ״answerable". Λ man is brought up to answer an indictment by pleading guilty or not guilty. After an accident a man in charge or authórity is qüestioned, and if he cannot clean himself sufficiently becomes liable to penalty. But this usage is akin to one in which we say that a certain machine or apparatus does not answer, and therefore is to be rejected. Do we suppose than that the medianical is answerable, either in the sense of ability to receive or


Men vergelijke het Hollandsche ״toerekenbaar”, dat meestal gebruikt wordt in de Bedoeling'״,,toerekeningsvatbaar” en slechts zelden in den taalkundig en logisch juisten Zin: ״kunnende worden toegerekend”, bijvoorbeeld : ״eene toerekenbare daad”.

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