Daar zaten wij, impressies over 'Londen '40-'45'

Daar zaten wij, impressies over 'Londen '40-'45'



Nederland in bezettingstijd luisterde heimelijk naar ‘de zenderDat was: Londen. Op deze foto ziet men een aantal medewerkers van Nederlandse uitzendingen (Brandaris, Radio Oranje en B.B.C.). Van links naar rechts: H. W. Sandberg, Jan van Os, J. Paerl, (zittend:) H. J. van den Broek, dr. L. de Jong, L. Tas, A. den Doolaard, George Sluizer, H. Reyneke van Stuwe.

D    nv ct OATTI    trying to remove the bomb, which had entered

ÖL71V1Ö D I 51. r AUL 3    the roadway in Dean’s Yard, close to the west

BTTlV/fnVtm    end of.the cathedral. It was found that a 6in.

IvcItIU V EU    gas main had been fractured, and three men

were gassed at an early stage. The main had caught fire, and, after the gas had been turned off, the bomb disposal section had to dig for 27ft. 6in. into the subsoil before they found the bomb. It proved to be a ton in weight, and is described as about 8ft. long. With great difficulty it was drawn uf> with special tackle, and two lorries were required to haul it out of the hole. The streets were cleared for a long distance and the bomb was driven by Lieutenant Davies to Hackney Marshes, where it was blown up. The explosion caused a 100ft. crater and rattled windows, and in one case loosened plaster, in houses far away on the marshes.


The high explosive bomb which fell near St. Paul’s Cathedral on Wednesday wks removed safely yesterday by experts.

For the first time for several days traffic was allowed through the area, and it is expected that business premises which have been closed will be allowed to reopen today.

For the first time for many, many years there was no service in the cathedral yesterday morning.

For the last three days a bomb disposal section under Lieutenant R. Davies had been

The Times van 2 oktober 1940 berichtte in een simpel bericht de heldenmoed van de

ploeg die onder leiding van lieutenant R. Davies (een der geridderden) de kathedraal

van St. Paul redde van de ondergang, zoals in het hoofdstuk ‘De dood is grillig als

een vrouwin dit boek wordt verteld.

The Ministry of Home Security, in a description of the work said: —“ Only the courage and tenacity of the officer, his n.c.o.s, and men prevented St. Paul's being levelled to the ground.”

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