Joodse traditie als permanent leren

Joodse traditie als permanent leren



1ed 1986



agada ((betekenis, verhaal)). Like body and soul,

they are mutually dependent, and each is a 49

dimension of its own . (---).

Halacha deals with the law; agada with the meaning of the law. Halacha deals with subjects that can be expressed literally; agada introduces us into a realm which lies beyond the range of expression. Halacha teaches us how to perform common acts; agada tells us how to participate in the eternal drama. Halacha gives us knowledge; agada gives us aspiration. Halacha gives us the norms for action; agada, the vision of the ends of living. Halacha prescribes,

agada suggests; halacha decrees, agada inspires;


halacha is definite; agada is allusive . (---)

To maintain that the essence of Judaism consists of halacha is as erroneous as to maintain that the essence of Judaism consists exclusively of agada. The interrelationship of halacha and agada is the very heart of Judaism. Halacha without agada is

dead, agada without halacha is wild . (---)

There is no halacha without agada, and no agada without halacha. We must neither disparage the body, nor sacrifice the spirit. The body is the discipline, the pattern, the law; the spirit is inner devotion, spontaneity, freedom. The body without the spirit is a corpse; the spirit without the body is a ghost. Thus a mitswah ((gedragsregel)) is both a discipline and an inspiration, an act of obedience and an experience of joy, a yoke and a prerogative. Our task is to learn how to

maintain a harmony between the demands of halacha 52

and the spirit of agada'

Degenen die de Torah met de halakha vereenzelvigen, bezien de joodse

traditie niet genuanceerd genoeg en neigen er wel eens toe de Torah

op te vatten als een vorm van legalisme, orthopraxis of religieus

behaviorisme. De aggadische gedeelten van de Pentateuch zijn echter


even belangrijk als de halakhische , en dit geldt voor de hele Torah.

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