Joodse traditie als permanent leren

Joodse traditie als permanent leren



1ed 1986



in het PL-model inneemt (zie categorie IV: Individueel leren als dage-lijke gewoonte).

Over (onderwijs-)leerprocessen merkt Bloom op:

'The basic questions to ask about examinations and other evaluation procedures are whether they have a positive effect on student learning (and instruction) and whether they leave (both teachers and) students with a positive view of themselves and of the subject and learning process'

In onderwijsleerprocessen onderscheidt Bloom, twee soorten evaluaties:

formatieve en summatieve. '(('Summative evaluation')) is the evaluation which

is used at the end of the course, term or educational program. (---). Quite

in contrast is the use of 'formative evaluation' to provide ((the student and

teacher)) feedback^ and correctives at each stage in the teaching-learning

process. By formative evaluation we mean evaluation by brief tests used by


teachers and students as aids in the learning process'

De resultaten van summatieve evaluatie worden vaak oneigenlijk gebruikt en gaan een eigen leven leiden. Bloom licht dit toe aan de hand van examenresultaten, die door onheus gebruik het leven van de leerling kunnen vergallen: 'The postexamination effects may be very profound, depending on the uses made of the examination results. The results of some examinations, such as an intelligence test or a major external examination, may be to mark an individual for the rest of his life. An I. Q. index, the results of a school or college entrance examination, or the results of the matriculation examinations in many countries may determine the individual's educational and vocational career, his own view of himself, and the ways in which others regard him. These major examinations create self-fulfilling prophecies in which later success or failure or the educational and vocational openings available are largely determined by the results. It is no secret that teachers may rationalize their difficulties in instruction by pointing to the I.Q. or standardized test scores of their students. Parents also come to judge their children, positively as well as negatively, in terms of their I.Q. 's or other examination results. And the child himself will come to view himself partly in


terms of his performance on certain key examinations' . Het hoeft geen betoog dat dit soort schrikbeelden van het misbruik van evaluatieresultaten de leerling kopschuw kan maken voor elke vorm van evaluatie door anderen. Daarom is het zo belangrijk dat er tussen lerciar en leerling een goede verstandhouding (een relatie van sympathie) bestaat en de leerling de leraar ver

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