Kolom A Kolom B Kolom C
(voorbeelden van cognitieve 'educational objectives', gerangschikt van makkelijk naar moeilijk)
(voorbeelden van affectieve 'educational objectives', gerangschikt van makkelijk naar moeilijk) (voorbeelden van politiek- en rechtsfiloso-fische 'topvalues')
personal experience effectively,
18. Ability to propose ways of testing hypothesis,
19. Ability to make mathematical discoveries and generalisations,
20. Judging by internal standards, the ability to assess general probability of accuracy in reporting facts from the care given to exactness of statement, documentation, proof, etc. ,
21. Judging by external standards, the ability to compare a work with the highest known standards in its field . . , especially with other works of recognized excellence.
emotionally wishfull thinking,
13. Develops a consistent 15. Etc. (Personal
philosophy of life.
you would have others do to you),
affection, aesthetic enjoyment, truth, reliability, veracity, faithfulness, self-respect, social security).
The fact that we attempt to analyze the affective area separately from the cognitive is not intended to suggest that there is a fundamental separation. There is none. (Handbook II, Ch. 4, p. 45)