Joodse traditie als permanent leren

Joodse traditie als permanent leren



1ed 1986


Kolom A Kolom B Kolom C


( voorbeelden van cognitieve 'educational objectives', gerangschikt van makkelijk naar moeilijk)

(voorbeelden van affectieve 'educational objectives', gerangschikt van makkelijk naar moeilijk) (voorbeelden van politiek» en rechtsfiloso-fische 'topvalues')

10. Skill in translating mathematical verbal material into symbolic statements and vice versa,

11. The ability to interpret various types of social data,

12. Skill in predicting continuation of trends,

13. Application to the phenomena discussed in one paper of the scientific terms or concepts used in other papers,

14. Skill in distinguishing facts from hypothesis,

15. Ability to check the consistency of hypothesis with given information and assumptions,

16. Ability to recognize the general techniques used in persuasive materials, such as advertising propaganda, etc. ,

17. Ability to tell a

examines a variety of viewpoints on controversial issues with a view to forming opinions about them,

Devotion to those ideas and ideals which are the foun- 10. dations of democracy,


Attempts to identify the characteristics of an art object which he admires,

11. Weighs alternative social policies and practices against the standards of the public welfare rather than the advantage of specialized and narrow interest groups,

12. Judges problems 13. Harmony,

and issues in terms of situations , issues , purposes, and consequences involved rather

than in terms of fixed 14. The Golden Rule, dogmatic precepts or (Do to others as

9. Society of Social Ideal,

The Nation,

11. Power,

12. Culture,

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