Joodse traditie als permanent leren

Joodse traditie als permanent leren



1ed 1986


Kolom A Kolom B Kolom C


(voorbeelden van cognitieve 'educational objectives', gerangschikt van makkelijk naar moeilijk)

etc. ,

4. Understanding of the continuity and development of American culture as exemplified in American life,

5. To recognize the area encompassed by various kinds of problems or materials,

6. Knowledge of criteria for the evaluation

of recreational activities,

7. The student shall know the methods of attack relevant to the kinds of problems of concern to the social sciences,

8. Knowledge of the important principles by which our experience with biological phenomena is summarized,

9. The recall of major theories about particular cultures,

(voorbeelden van affectieve 'educational objectives', gerangschikt van makkelijk naar moeilijk)

human values and judgment on life as they are recorded in literature,

4. Willingness to comply with health regulations,

5. Acquaints himself with significant current issues in international, political, social, and economic affairs through voluntary reading and discussion,

6. Enjoyment of self-expression in music and in arts and crafts as another means of personal enrichment,

7. Grows in his sense of kinship with human beings of all nations,

8. Deliberately (voorbeelden van politiek» en rechtsfiloso-fische 'topvalues')

4. Nature,

5. Ethical Evolution,

6. Suum Cuique (leder het zijne),

7. Democracy,

8. Happiness ,

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