Joodse traditie als permanent leren

Joodse traditie als permanent leren



1ed 1986


LEREN (learn, lernen) EDUCATIE (education, éducation)


activiteit leraar

activiteit leraar

activiteit leerling

activiteit leerling










Dat ook in het tegenwoordige taalgebruik de activiteiten van de leraar en die van de leerling niet altijd onderscheiden worden, blijkt uit het gebruik van de woorden 'leren' en 'educatie' in de woordparen Education Permanente = Lifelong Learning = Lebenslanges Lernen.

2.2. Education Permanente (EP)

Me baserend op drie EP-publikaties wil ik laten zien dat in EP de activiteiten van leraar en leerling door elkaar heen lopen. Het wordt niet duidelijk wat de leraar geacht wordt te doen en wat de leerling geacht wordt te bereiken. Ik citeer:

'. . . that the term 'education' should be taken in its broadest connotation of a coherent and deliberate action aimed at the transmission of knowledge, the development of aptitudes, and the training and betterment of man in all respects and throughout his life . . . ' (Ltb, appendix 2, p. 269). 'The establishment of close ties between schools and their milieu is a top priority in countries which view the education system as a vast mass movement, where each individual who has received an education has a duty to teach those who have been denied learning opportunities' (Ltb, ch. l,pp. 19-20). 'Principle: Every individual must be in a position to keep learning throughout his life. The idea of lifelong education is the keystone of the learning society. (---).

Recommendation: We propose lifelong education as the master concept for educational policies in the years to come for both development and developing countries' (Ltb, ch. 8, pp. 181-182).

'In a society where the influence exerted by the producers of cultural models is increasing, educators working in an educational system of this kind should keep themselves informed about the latest discoveries and developments. In

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