Selected Poems (Engelse vertaling)

Selected Poems (Engelse vertaling)



paperback 1974



The Series was inaugurated with a selection
from the religious poems of Solomon Ibn Gabirol,
edited by Professor Israel Davidson, and put
into English verse by Mr. Israel Zangwill. The
present, the second volume of the Series, is
based largely upon the critical text of the
Diwan of Jehudah Halevi, prepared by the dis-
tinguished Rabbi Heinrich Brody of Prag, and
published under the auspices of the Mekize
Nirdamim Society. Doctor Brody has gracious-
ly permitted the use of these selections, and has
made certain alterations in his published text,
and supplied several notes for the present
volume. The translation is due to Mrs. Nina
Salaman, who has for a decade been the medium
through which many English readers have had
glimpses into medieval Jewish poetry. Her
Son?s of Exile, published in 1901 under the name
of Nina Davis, have become known to thousands
of readers. It is a source of profound gratifica-
tion to the Committee to be able to offer the
work of this gifted lady in the present Series.

While the body of her translation has been
done in free verse, she has made several addi-
tional translations, in stricter form, and with
rhyme, which are printed together toward the
end of the volume.


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