Selected Poems (Engelse vertaling)

Selected Poems (Engelse vertaling)



paperback 1974



feel that in offering this Series they are not only
making accessible to English readers some of
the treasures of Jewish literature, but are adding
to Jewish scholarship by presenting carefully
edited texts, which they hope will become the
standard texts of the Jewish Classics.

In giving the original Hebrew text the Com-
mittee have been able to add a feature which
was absent in the publication of the translation
of the Scriptures, the English text of which was
published without the original Hebrew. This
was not due to any desire on the part of the
Board in charge to substitute the English text
for the original; but the demand for an English
version on the part of English-speaking Jews
was so urgent, and the facilities in the United
States for printing Hebrew at the time so meager,
that the Board felt any further delay of a work
that had been anxiously expected for twenty
years would be inadvisable. It is the hope of
the Jewish Publication Society to publish, when
its opportunities permit, the Hebrew text of
the Bible, side by side with the translation,

The Committee were limited in the prepara-
tion of the Series by the amount of the fund,
which, though most generous, could not provide
for a complete presentation of the Jewish Clas-


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