But he kisses again And he feels her give in And he cannot stop In their hearts it is Spring. "
A few feet away, Mozes the escapologist lets himself be tied up with a chain, a thick rope and a padlock. He offers twenty-five guilders to anyone who can manacle him in such a way that he cannot free himself within three minutes. Any kind of knot is permitted. Every Sunday, all the year round, the same man tries in vain to win this twenty-five guilders prize. However, his friendship with Mozes does not appear to suffer appreciably from his futile perseverance, for one can often see them together, drinking a glass of beer.
Further on again are the second-hand bookstores. Potential buyers browse among these old editions. Take your pick! The third volume of World History by Streckfuss, one of twenty-four volumes, the other 23 still wander through the Diaspora. A hand grabs a book with a yellow cover with red lettering: Le Livre dc I'Amour de 1'Orient.The man lets the book drop again at once—The French is wasted on him.
Although some folks seek the aid of quacks on the market, most inhabitants of the district go to a regular doctor for their medicine. On weekdays at 7 a.m. the waiting room of Doctor Lamb is already crammed to overflowing. Half the district is his patient. The doctor knows everything about every family, whether business is good, how much money