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Five Star Publications, Inc.
P.O. Box 6698 Chandler, AZ 85246-6698 (480) 940-8182 i ax (480) 940-8787 www.MrMonday.com
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Sluyser, M. (Meyer). 1901-1973.
Mr. Monday : and other tales of Jewish Amsterdam / Meyer Sluyser. p. cm.
1. Jews—Netherlands—Amsterdam—Social life and customs—20th century.
2. Jews—Netherlands—Amsterdam—Anecdotes. 3. Amsterdam (Netherlands)—Ethnic relations. I. title: Mister Monday. II. Tide.
DS135.N5A655 2004 949.2'352004924—dc22
Marker! Alley, Mr. Monday, My Yiddishe Grandma, How Zelig Miffed Out on Two Inheritances, and My Father and Mr. Leboi'itz originally appeared in Die en die is er nog, published by EG. Kroonder in Bussum.The Netherlands, 1956.
Wage Earners, At the Opera, and Backgrounds originally appeared in Er groeit gras in de Weesperstraat, published by Het Parool/De Vrije Pers, 1958.
The Building. General Eisenhower Called Him The Greatest Living Expert on Security and Yesterday Never Returns originally appeared in Als de dag van gisteren, published by Het Parool/De Vrije Pers. 1957.
Weekdays and the Sabbath and Disputes originally appeared in Hun Inch klinkt van zover, published by Het Parool/De Vrije Pers, 1959.
Linda F. Radke
Project Manager
Susan L. DeFabis
Book Design
Barbara Kordesh bkordesh(ajinsightbb.com