Selected Poems (Engelse vertaling)

Selected Poems (Engelse vertaling)



paperback 1974



I have to thank Dr. Israel Abrahams for
constant encouragement, advice and unfailing
support during the progress of this work. To
Mr. Israel Zangwill likewise I owe a debt of
gratitude for having read the proofs of the
translation and for several useful suggestions; and
also to Mr. Herbert Loewe for having given
me much assistance in the proof-reading. And
if I may permit myself to sound a further
personal note for a moment, I should like to
say this: I have loved Jehudah Halevi ever
since, at my father's side, I began to read and
understand his verses. If, by this volume,
defective though it be in plan and imperfect
in execution, I can win for Jehudah Halevi a
new band of admirers, my own love for the
poet will have borne its most precious fruit.

Nina Salaman

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