Yea, more, the iniquities
Of the days of age,
Changing ever,
Lam. 3,23. Renewed every morning.
For there is no penitence
For wantonness—
Gen. 37,30. And whither shall I go
Lam. 1,3. Between the straits?
I imperil myself,
By forgetting my trespass,
Whilst my soul and my blood
Are delivered over to sin.
Yet trust may be drawn
isa. 55,7. From Him who is lavish of forgiveness,
And courage and strength
Ps. 68,7. From the loosener of captives:
And should He judge and punish,
Deut. 4,2. Award or deprive—
For good or for evil
Berakhoth 54a. His judgments are right.